Ingham County DHS Foster Care Worker – First Story |
Carlos, age 11, has been in foster care for over two years and is waiting for an adoptive home. His biological parents are chronic abusers who live a transient life style. Carlos was in 30 different schools before he entered foster care, was socially under developed and had a tendency to isolate himself from all activities. His foster mother knew he watched professional basketball and thought team sports might help him mature and gain a sense of belonging. Caring About Kids purchased a uniform, basketball shoes and paid the team fee. Carlos has made friends with his teammates and is less withdrawn now. He wants to play again next year. * All names have been changed to protect the identity of our children. |
Ingham County DHS Foster Care Worker – Second Story |
Danny has been in a residential foster facility for over a year. Although he has many difficulties in his life, he is by all accounts a pretty good kid. The first time I met Danny, I asked him how he kept his good attitude. He told me that his hero, Michael Jordan, always has a good attitude and since he was going to be a pro-ball player like Michael, he thought it would be good to think positive. Even with his positive thinking, he had little to look forward to at Christmas. His former foster parent called me a few weeks prior to Christmas and told me that although he could stay with them over the holiday, they had no money to purchase a gift for him. Caring About Kids was there to give the foster mother a gift certificate to purchase a gift for Danny. When I picked him up after the holiday weekend, his face was one big smile. I told him he was one of the happiest kids I had seen. He asked if I knew why. “Well,” he said, “My foster mom got me my favorite present ever!” “Oh yeah,” I said, “and what might that be?” He reached into his bag and pulled out a beautiful sweatshirt and pointed to the figure on it. It was a picture of his hero, Michael Jordan. * All names have been changed to protect the identity of our children. |
Ingham County DHS Foster Care Worker – Third Story |
Jane is a 14-year-old developmentally disabled state ward who lives in a residential facility. Lack of family contact affects her tremendously. Jane has little hope of graduating to a foster home due to her profound behavioral problems. Caring About Kids has provided small amounts of money to allow me to purchase small gifts for Jane. Through my monthly face-to-face contacts with Jane and her therapist, I check on Jane’s behavior on her unit. I then send her a small purse filled with things like fingernail polish, perfume, socks, and maybe a bracelet. Jane looks forward to the packages and strives to get good behavioral marks. I am grateful that Caring About Kids lets me help Jane remain connected with someone. * All names have been changed to protect the identity of our children. |
Music Therapy at Michigan State University |
Caring About Kids helped another young child on my caseload. Sally* is develop-mentally delayed and has been diagnosed Autistically Impaired. Sally is delayed in her speech and needed assistance communicating. Music Therapy was recommended. Caring About Kids provided the money for Sally to attend music therapy at Michigan State University. Sally has benefited greatly from the services. She has learned to imitate sounds with 100% articulation and has used 2-3 word phrases to request an instrument or song. Music Therapy has also helped increase her self-esteem as she has learned how to express herself and get recognition of her needs and wants. * All names have been changed to protect the identity of our children. |