You may contact any of the Officers or Directors of Caring About Kids, Inc., by writing to the address below or calling the phone number indicated. We are an all volunteer board, so leave a message and someone will get back to you.

You can also contact us by sending an email click here.

We welcome your questions or comments and always seeking volunteers who can help us help continue our mission for foster children.

Please give us your current email address so that we can contact you in the future electronically.  Your name and address is also needed so that your information can be added to our database correctly.  As a future enhancement, we will be sending event information to foster parents, as well as the electronic posting of our newsletter.

Caring About Kids, Inc., will not share your personal information with anyone or any organization.

Address:Caring About Kids, Inc.
P.O. Box 27014
Lansing, MI 48909-7014
Phone: (517) 927-9219